It Never Rains in Southern California


CP and LB are – or will be soon – hanging out in Santa Barbara, and with out little old me.

They invited me to take a quick trip out for some much-needed hang-out time with the old TBD groupies (um, no, I cannot tell you what that stands for!), but unfortunately I have a major client project that is supposedly about to hit “any moment,” and I can’t travel or take any time off right now.

Dang it.

And of course the project hasn’t "hit" yet. I almost hope it does this week just so I don’t find out that in fact I could have actually gone!

Have fun ladies, and do like I would do. Talk to the oldest dude in the bar/restaurant/coffee shop/whatever. It always works. Promise.


LB said...

YES! we are going to miss you! BUT you're going to make it out here or maybe when I get to chicagoland you can come for that. Also I like your advice. Also there are a lot of old people here. Some of them are famous. We'll scope out the scene for those ones. Miss you SC!

Christy Parker said...

Ditto to LB's comments. We'll miss you lots. You two are always welcome to "meet in the middle' in Chicago. (Not Chicagoland, unless you would prefer to be hanging out in the 'burbs as opposed to the city!)