Do Not Fear, Girls Still Like Cars

Well this is just embarrassing… this not-posting thing.

One weekend of h-e-double-hockey-sticks (aka my computer had a super nasty virus that took my IT department multiple people and six hours to fix) and not being able to do the normal Saturday morning posting, and I get all thrown off!

My apologies. But we’re back on track, and here we go.

Quick life update? Sure.

*My allergies are kicking my tail. As of yesterday, they own me.
*I went to Nashville and back in a day – talk about a long day. But it was for a good meeting and some good things happened there.
*I finally started populating my iPod… and I don’t know how I’ve lived without one for this long!
*I’m heading to Michigan the end of this week and just can’t wait at all.
*I got my first non-real-life-friend Girls Like Cars Too comment!

It’s been a long 10 days. Phew!